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Design thinking is an innovative approach used to develop creative and inventive ideas. Designers use the process of rapid prototyping, ideating with customers and iterative design cycles in order to create novel solutions for business problems.

Design thinkers are able to better develop products with emotional resonance by asking clients about their needs as well as imagining themselves within these contexts in order find out what either creates excitement or frustration among customers thus helping us create something people want more of because it solves real-world issues.

The creation of Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a process that can be used to create innovative ideas and solutions. It was developed by two designers, David Kelley of IDEO in the 1980s and Tom Kelly of Stanford University’s in 1999 as an approach for solving problems creatively through empathy with customers (the human-centered design). It has been applied successfully across many industries including health care, education, engineering products, and design.


Design must now go beyond shaping things for our use – we have arrived at designing into them. – Harvard Business School professor Bill Moggridge

Design Thinking is not just for designing products anymore. The process of Design Thinking can be applied to any problem or situation in order to find a creative solution that works best.


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